Below is our new Travel Itinerary for our around the world trip. (subject to some tweakage but a good rough guide). Our goal is to stay near the oceans and chase the sun as much as possible--hopefully 9 months of summer! If folks are traveling on a transecting path give us a shout!
1. New Zealand -January 1 to the 25th
2. Australia and Tasmania -January 25th through the 21 of March
3. Turkey March 23rd through April 5th
4. Greece April 5th 22 or so...
5. Italy/Corsica/Sardinia through May 20
6. Morroco May 20 through 30
7. Europe proper til the 20th of June... Training it through mainland Europe with the Eurail pass...
Our goal is to stay out of cities as much as possible, but when we are there we will be updating the blog...
All the best. b and d.