Poised for a literary leap here; time will tell if I reach the other side…
A great sunrise is like a great movie. Casting eastward or screen-ward, patiently, the moment pregnant with possibility. Perhaps a few clouds skirt the horizon, actors waiting in the wings for the grand entrance, to catch the light for a fleeting moment, to wash with color and emotion. Shadows shorten as depth and clarity build… Soon a symphony of light—the blasting of trumpets and the beating of kettle drums kind… In the growing promise of, and finally realized warmth, we can smile and nod at how good it feels to be engaged and alive. The burst of light-rays from the sun would have to be the script as it kind of holds everything together and makes it all happen. A good sunrise stays with you, like a flirtatious smile, hard to shake from memory and almost magical. Is it possible to weep watching the sunrise? Yes.
A bad movie? Better off sleeping in.
Two great movies:
1. The Fountain. A masterpiece on all levels… Rachel Weisz, Hugh Jackman
Heavy, like celluloid gold.
2. Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector. Larry The Cable Guy is my new hero. Iris Bahr is perfectly cast. Light, like celluloid helium.
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