Monday, November 4, 2013

The Unburdening...

Profile, interview. Query. Video, stills, audio. A mess of technology to record. It’s a strange process to pull memories and information from the hidden ethers, from invisible synapses and cloudy grey matter - after years or even decades. 

The flicker of emotion across an engaged face, eyes transfixed on some unfolding event long since passed. Describing a smell from the Black Hole of Calcutta and the nose and lips twist again in revulsion. The concussion of a Saigon rocket blast remembered, the nerves tingle from a horrific moment from a lifetime ago. A smile and warmth across the face while recollecting an epiphany – the moment it finally made sense. The shared memory from two together, recalling how they met. Tragedy, love, passion, awe, wonder, relentlessness…

I have shared many of these moments during this last week. Lifetimes of key experiences - from nearly every continent and spanning 60 years from more than a dozen people. A conduit. I become the shared synapse. Passed from one to another for me to pass along again. A collective sharing. A sharing collective. A polyphonic communication. A hope. -
Ear, eye, head, heart.

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