Monday, February 10, 2014

Perpetually Leaving...

Difficult equation to live. The more I am inside, the more I want to be outside... The more I shoot photos outside, the more time I need to spend inside with my quarry. A strange flip-flop between two distinct worlds. Consuming.

Need to forever be enjoying the unfolding eternal moment - But the batteries recharge away from all the outlets and beyond the squinting haze of screen and keyboard strokes while hidden inside walls. I need to wander new trails in ancient forests, climb cracks in desert sunshine, call the sky my roof again...

I often feel I am perpetually leaving... Never quite sitting still, a move or two ahead at least in thought. In the moment yet outside of it and transiting to the next...

One day perhaps I will find the comfort, contentment, joy in the act of being anchored... Maybe.

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