Monday, July 13, 2015

Perpetually Electric

The front yard... ©Bennett Barthelemy

standing, kneeling and shooting pictures on my porch this last hour…

darkness began to take hold as this powerful storm moved very slowly east to west. transfixed. 

wondering. can i capture this? 

every couple of seconds the sky lights up. flashes. illuminating thick cloud curtains, hidden worlds thousands of feet in the air. lightning across the sky sideways at the edge of the glowing cloud. dancing dendritic bolts arcing to the ground and bringing moments of daylight again to the purpling evening skyline.

a gift - that i can safely be beside this wild creative force of incredible beauty – its presence at once humbling and riveting. gentle wind carries small spatters of rain from this storm to cool the palpable humid warmth in the air, as it cools my slightly feverish flesh that lies exposed. 

percussive yet muffled booms from this glittering horizon. so clear the awesome intensity. yet feeling so safe. so at home…

this elemental and almost painful beauty, this magic - has blown softly into my life... i am perpetually electric.

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