Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Chasing Light in the Land of Little Sun

Jumping continents for travel can build a sense of comfort that you have something known well to return to. When a relocation happens for extended anchoring there is a bit of emotional upheaval that needs to be attended to...

My level of comfort often expands when I have my camera in hand. I use this tool, this curiously shaped hammer and chisel to expand my reality. It becomes my personal  psychologist as well. My camera when used with attention, can capture a bit of light and a bit of knowledge and translate it very eloquently.

I noticed the calming effect of held camera in challenging circumstances first when technical climbing, or engaging a geography that was potentially hostile. The unsettled feeling of launching into the unknown is healthy and needed for continued growth, to spur, but is often scary and requires readjustment through refocusing - Creating images helps soften any fear, and even helps to welcome the unknown - gently reshaping my myopic and astigmatized convexed cornea of ideas and perceptions...

There is a level of perceived fear of the unknown that can easily overwhelm in new situations. When the camera comes out it is simpler to objectively analyze situations, actively observe yet create and keep a bit of safe distance. Reviewing the images helps to inform and inspire a plan to re-engage - much like building a shot list and researching before a engaging a photo essay...

Here a few images that have helped with this Scandinavian translation...

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