Monday, May 9, 2016

Climate Across the Globe: A Photo Essay

When I compress experiences from the last 6 months the only sensical reality is that in the 8th dimension some giant being decided to pick up a random stone (me) and skip it across some strange landscape...

8 months ago I was ready for a radical change. I decided to follow a near-totally blind path and I made the leap to another world - To the Old World - Europa. To marriage, to new work opportunities, new horizons... I was open to realizing what might be possible, and impossible. The pieces from this journey from winter and now back to summer are still circulating, realizing a shorter night and lengthening day as I do, but still in a fog and fighting for better clarity.

There was intense physical pain these last months, mental and emotional pain, screaming madness - and small spiritual epiphanies - perhaps. There was unconditional love. There was abused alcohol and drugs, an awareness that was far from free. A fallout of lessons and potential, a newly populated landscape of ghosts, broken promises and distant hope. I shook hands with people from at least two dozen countries, without a Euro to my name I slammed champagne and devoured opulent snacks at parties attended by hero activists and UN delegates, rubbed shoulders with next level storytellers, found and lost a dream job in Los Angeles, stumbled across worked and threatened landscapes of three continents... Spent long hours with jets, ferrys, buses, trains, cars, press boxes, on a bicycle, on foot - swimming through this quixotic miasma of wonder, fear, hope, realization, loss. I risked everything and nothing. I cried, a lot.

Perhaps the personal climate is a metaphor for global climate, micro within the macro. Perhaps. I may have zero left in my bank account but I have gained a pirate's treasure of experience. Stolen, collected moments... Now what will I do with all this new-found loot? Dream? Wish? Proselytize? Shrink?

Things happen, for a reason...

Perhaps this unfolding story, its deeper layers, are best told through the ocular eyes of inanimate objects, my albatross and ever-present companions - a Sony A7, a Nikon D700, an iPhone 5s.

all images ©Bennett Barthelemy

How long will it take the US to realize that this is the best vehicle - kid delivery, groceries, commuting, low emission...

With the energy used to create one meal with meat (from field to table) you could make 50 vegetarian meals... 
The Atlas mountains of Morocco, small subsistence farming, a woman's co-op with argan oil at its center...
Glimpses of the past and present. I traded a camera body for a trip to Morocco and the climbing guidebook for a rug
Sleeping outside, sunrise, the backyard - things that make me smile...
Did the world hit the two degree mark two months after the Accord was signed?
Sebastiao Salgado, the Paris Undergound, a whale...
The view from Les Mur Des Scorpion... this picture makes me think of palm oil plantations, big agriculture, GMOs...
The ancient Medina in Marrakech
Cheif Raoni accepts his award - is it true that two football fields of forest are lost every minute in the Amazon region?
Crazy amounts of knowlege right here... Has the world heard what was said here at this tribunal at Cop21?

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